(03) 9878 6118


Town Planning Applications

Design Equilibrium are the experts at assessing, designing & managing all levels of town planning applications through all Melbourne metropolitan Victorian local council planning processes.

Whether it’s  a small dual occupancy or large townhouse development, a family home on large acreage, an apartment complex, a restaurant or office building, our extensive planning knowledge and experience allows us to professionally manage your planning (& building) application needs up to commencement of construction works & beyond.

We combine our more than 20 years of knowledge & experience in dealing with all local councils across Victoria, with our extensive building design experience to produce quality & pro-active town planning applications specifically motivated in reducing council requests & concerns (thus minimising application times in councils) by producing  site responsive design, providing a high level of application information to the council from the beginning, and understanding the attitudes of each local council in relation to each project. 

Entrust Design Equilibrium with your town planning application today, and see the project difference tomorrow.  Contact us today to arrange an appointment to further discuss your requirements with our senior building designer & planning advisor.

Why not contact us today on (03) 9878 6118

Give us a call or send us an email to utilise our advisory service or discuss your next building project.